Francesco Gregoretti ~ Solid Layers, Deafening Shapes
Many of my favorite artists trained as architects, while many of
my favorite composers had their origins in the rhythm section. I
can’t help but try to see some commonality in this. Architects
must strike a balance between being practical and imaginative, understanding
both business and art, responding to real-world limitations and
concerns which make their work remarkable simply for having been
realized at all. Drummers seem to me to share many of these characteristics.
There is something about the perspective of the drummer, able to
think cyclically and holistically, that grants them a special structural
significance. Ugly buildings and sloppy timing will immediately
be noticeable, while often the most skillful manifestations are
successful precisely because they go unnoticed.
Francesco Gregoretti conjures structure out of a flurry of chaos,
a remarkable feat of free improvised drumming that defies expectations.
Free improv and noise doesn’t generally go the subtle route,
and improvisation may often be considered as the polar opposite
of composition, even if this needn’t be the case. Still, it
is fair to say that improvised music has a more complicated relationship
with structure, one which only makes the role of the drummer more
crucial. Solid Layers, Deafening Shapes could be described as a
record of solo drum improvisations yet that fact also masks the
deeply dialogic aspect of Gregoretti’s playing which remains
openly introspective and dangerously explosive.
Coaxing powerful roars and shrieks from the drum kit, Gregoretti
generates an interplay with a feedback system in a sort of duet
between player and objects. Feedback becomes not just another layer
of sound or even an instrument, but an agent in its own right. At
times Gregoretti seems not to be so much controlling the sound but
battling it. This tension punctuates the entire record, drives it
forward while Gregoretti gives it shape and form.
The Italian word for the drums is batteria, which also recalls the
various meaning of the English word battery: a source of energy,
a physical assault, a unit of weapons. According to interviews,
the drums came to Gregoretti as a result of an arbitrary encounter
and not through a premeditated decision. This may explain why he
has cultivated such an idiosyncratic approach founded on a personal
relationship with the drums rather than modeled on the playing of
other drummers. Gregoretti’s compositions move dynamically
from sparse passages to full walls of sound, cascading deep rumbles
and drawn out chimes. At times his playing recalls the idioms of
free improv (“Nerves Of A Harp,” “Ring-Around-The-Rosey”
) with rhythmic circular playing and controlled scrapes of the cymbals.
It is obvious a drum kit is being played, even if unconventionally,
as we’ve become accustomed to these techniques. Elsewhere
(“Cosmic Ziggurat,” “Uproar Among The Gods,”
Unrestrained Activity”) the roars and squeals sound more like
a raging saxophone or a power electronics group. The high frequency
swells of “Suspended Solids” can almost be described
as delicate and lovely, if not with an air of danger and the same
tension which permeates the entire record. This variation keeps
the record from becoming monotonous and tiring, and gives an overall
cohesion and narrative arc.
Perhaps it is a reductive analogy to say that there is something
of the chaotic energy of his home city of Naples being expressed
through Gregoretti’s playing techniques, but I stand by this
nonetheless. Naples may be the third largest city in Italy, with
ancient roots, but is remains very much a peripheral city. It is
a kind of frontier, a border between Europe and its other. For this
it’s heterogeneity and vitality are confused for “backwardness”
or melodrama. While much of the popular traditions might present
a sunny and sentimental air, the alternative cultures that thrive
there seem more prone to find sustenance in the anarchic freedom
that defines a city of people who have learned how to make do. Solid
Layers, Deafening Shapes is a fine example of how far this ethos
can go.
Toxo label boss SEC_ has also recently released a new solo album.
Entitled Melfite, named for an ancient Italic goddess of fertility
venerated in the south, it explores the experience of death by starvation
alongside the cult of fertility, the complex interplay between Life
and Death which is another defining aspect of Naples. Melfite is
drawn from recordings originally created for live multichannel diffusion
for several radios and speakers, but is supremely absorbing even
in two channels. (Joseph Sannicandro)
- Ottobre 2016

Suspended Solids
We’ve heard Francesco Gregoretti before as part of the group
Strongly Imploded, an unusual Italian improv combo; their ranks
also include the wonderful _SEC, who did the mastering for Solid
Layers, Deafening Shapes (TOXO RECORDS TX06) which is Gregoretti’s
solo percussion album. Gregoretti is what we might call an “expanded”
or “augmented” drummer. Not settling for the classical
drum set, he also plays objects and amplification, thus placing
himself in a line of avant-percussionists that surely must include
Chris Cutler in the 1980s.
His set-up is described as a “system” here in the press
notes, and I can well believe it…his aim is to generate “personal
sound worlds”, and the overall effect of Solid Layers is indeed
something that surrounds and immerses the listener. Instead of being
attacked by percussive stabs and bites like a swarm of hornets,
we’re boxed in with heavy blocks of droning, groaning, sub-bass
roars and grunts. No wonder ‘Uproar Among The Gods’
is one of his track titles; that track in particular is a portrait
of an Olympian rumble, like the opening track to Hendrix’s
Electric Ladyland rethought for amplified drums. Matter of fact
‘Uproar Among The Gods’ would make a good title for
a Led Zep bio depicting arguments and disagreements within the band.
Gregoretti is also pretty hot with bowed cymbals and other metallic
moments, which vary and leaven the otherwise “blocky”
sensations of this sweaty, 12-rounds with the heavyweight champ
SEC_ has also written a sleeve note for the record, in which he
points out that Gregoretti is a mathematician, and speculates on
thAe way his music tends to demonstrate the rules of chaos theory.
I also find that Gregoretti has played with some of my favourite
maverick improvisers, including fellow mad drummer Will Guthrie,
Jean-Marc Foussat the Algerian king of the VCS3, and Japanese guitar
maestro TeTuzi Akiyama. You can judge a drummer by the company he
keeps, they say. I also learn that the group Strongly Imploded is
but one offshoot of the mothership group Grizzly Imploded, which
has also spawned another combo called Oddly Imploded. I can’t
keep up. From 26 June 2016. (Ed Pinsent)
Francesco Gregoretti - Solid Layers, Deafening Shapes (CD, Toxo Records 2016)
Thirty-nine minutes, is the solo release by Francesco Gregoretti, who we
best know as the drummer for Grizzly Exploded (sometimes called Strongle
Exploded, or vice versa) and who did a CD with guitar player Oliver Di
Placido (see Vital Weekly 878). Since 1998 he is also a member of One
Starving Day, which I never heard and plays improvised music with Pascal
Battus, SEC_, Tetuzi Akiyama and others. Labelboss SEC_ here writes the
liner notes and he compares Gregoretti with a mathematician, not because
he counts his beats but him finding regularities among the chaos of
sounds. I am not sure if I agree, but there is indeed a pleasantly
disturbing chaosin this music. I would love to see Gregoretti play his
music, as I heard some curiously interesting drone like sounds here;
like he rubs with fingers over large sheets or surfaces of his drum kit.
It adds some extra to his improvisation which we not always in the work
of others. It is, despite what the word 'chaos' may imply, also not the
work of heavy rattling and stomping around the drum kit, far from it
actually. Much of what Gregoretti does deals with playing with a bow,
the careful exploration of the various parts of his kit, focussing on
single parts of it or using additional objects while playing the kit. A
piece like 'Suspended Solids' is one of those quiet and introspective
pieces of music. And, as said, in some of these pieces there is this
menacing low sounding rumble, of which I have no idea how he does that.
And yes, sometimes he lets arms and legs go all free on the kit and be
all wild, but that never seems to last very long. It all in all makes
this is a highly varied disc, with many different approaches to playing
solo-improvised drum music. Excellent release! (FdW)

Francesco Gregoretti - Solid Layers, Deafening Shapes (CD, Toxo Records 2016)
siamo già occupati di Francesco Gregoretti, batterista di Grizzly/Strongly/Oddly
Imploded, One Starving Day e – nel loro nuovo disco – Architeuthis Rex,
tanto per dare qualche coordinata. Solid Layers, Deafening Shapes è il
suo album solista, che esce per la Toxo Records del suo concittadino
SEC_, col quale ha suonato insieme in studio e sul palco. Lo abbiamo
anche intervistato durante il nostro viaggio impossibile nella galassia
underground napoletana, capendo come intenda disegnare un suo percorso
originale. Per quanto riguarda la mia esperienza di ascoltatore, mi
viene spontaneo accostarlo a “percussionisti espansi” come Steven Hess,
Frank Rosaly e Andrea Belfi (vorrei aggiungere anche Stefano Giust):
ciascuno di essi “conosce” il proprio strumento a suo modo, esplorandone
le proprietà acustiche al di là di qualsiasi ortodossia, trasformandolo
in una sorgente di suono che gli permette di realizzare in autonomia
degli album con una componente ambient e noise, senza l’aiuto di altri
musicisti, ma eventualmente con quello di altri oggetti, dei feedback e
di effettistica.
Due i pezzi messi in rete per creare curiosità: “Circling Menace”, per
la quale è stato realizzato un video, è in primis un drone cupissimo che
ara il pavimento, sul quale Gregoretti stratifica altri suoni cavernosi
e in alcuni passaggi, per contrasto e per creare una sorta di suspense,
il suono dei piatti della batteria; il senso di “menace” si trova anche
in “The Prism Of The Minute”, altra traccia che si posiziona su basse
frequenze che sposterebbero interi continenti e che si fa sempre più
pericolosa con il passare del tempo, man mano che Gregoretti aggiunge
parti alla base iniziale e la trasforma in qualcosa di più noise. Io
vorrei nominare anche l’iniziale “Cosmic Ziggurat”: sarà per il titolo,
sarà il ciclico riproporsi di una vibrazione acuminata e cristallina o
il modo solenne e rituale col quale lui colpisce le pelli, ma l’idea è
proprio quella di trovarsi dentro un edificio sacro durante chissà quale
Trattasi di disco che dev’essere lasciato crescere (e che dovreste
proprio lasciar crescere).
Fabrizio Garau
La Napoli sperimentale. Quella underground, fuori da ogni forma
di folclore. Ibrida, glaciale e tesa verso un suono filosoficamente
concettuale. È la Napoli di Francesco Gregoretti, già
batterista con One Starving Day e le tante declinazioni del progetto
Grizzly Imploded, e qui all’esordio solista con Solid Layers,
Deafening Shapes. A sostenerlo in questa prova, il musicista elettroacustico
Mimmo Napolitano a.k.a SEC_, che ci mette estro ed etichetta (Toxo
Records), confermando ancora una volta la natura visionaria ed eclettica
che da sempre lo contraddistinguono.
Il risultato è un disco spigoloso, frutto di geometrie sonore
fuori controllo e complessi algoritmi matematici. Un universo tridimensionale
dove Gregoretti fluttua e finisce per schiantarsi inevitabilmente
su ogni centimetro del proprio strumento: la batteria. Difficile
credere che così tanti feedback, echi, rumorismi e tonfi
ancestrali possano provenire esclusivamente da uno strumento –
bonariamente statico ma fondamentale per ampiezza e ritmo. La magia,
o l’anomalia, è proprio questa. Sfilacciando ogni forma
di complessità compositiva, il Nostro giunge ad una sorta
di unicum – quasi un brodo sonoro primordiale – dove
il “rumore” si fa ricerca. Su pelli e piatti scarica
qualsiasi oggetto-congegno si adatti alla creazione e riproduzione
di una vibrazione prima e di una suggestione poi. Ed è una
ricerca algebrica – minuziosamente architettonica –
piegata a traiettorie che mutano inaspettatamente, e figlia di altre
schegge impazzite della sperimentazione come Steven Hess o Jason
Khan: artisti in grado di polverizzare letteralmente il proprio
stArumento e poi di ricostruirlo dalla polvere, affidandosi ad un
collante ora ambient, ora più deditamente noise.
Il musicista partenopeo riesce a consolidare questa natura da outsider.
Equilibrista, gioca con il vuoto, allude e tende all’entropia.
Un viaggio allucinato – destabilizzante – e che punta
ad una sintetica destrutturazione del suono. Solid Layers, Deafening
Shapes cela nella sua natura criptica un’indole futuristica
in grado di rendere questi involontari pionieri (una vera e propria
scena underground) materia di studio. Disco non di semplice assimilazione
ma meritevole d’attenzione. 7/10 (Carmine Vitale)
Dieci Piccoli Italiani - N. 66
Il partenopeo batterista e percussionista di ricerca Francesco Gregoretti
fa emergere la sua personalità nel primo vero album a suo
nome, "Solid Layers, Deafening Shapes", un ciclo di sonate
per batteria, percussioni trovate e live electronics. L'indole è
pittorica nella rada "Cosmic Ziggurat", esprimendosi dapprima
in scintillii nel buio e poi in tuoni, scoppi e radiazioni, a due
passi dalle pièce claudicanti dei Starfuckers. Secondo brano-chiave
è "The Prism Of The Minute", una sordina grave
e ultrasonica che alza tremori come nella superficie del mare prima
di uno tsunami: purtroppo, questo preludio potente non trova poi
alcun sviluppo. Così, nella chiusa di "Unrestrained
Activity" le coloriture dell'elettronica aumentano e diminuiscono
la densità delle percussioni. In mezzo Gregoretti scorpora
questa sua estetica. Dapprima il focus è sul mezzo concreto,
dall'improvvisazione appena vegliata da folate distanti di "Right-Around-The-Rosey",
al trambusto di campanelli di "Nerves Of A Harp", alle
risonanze metalliche percosse come gong (tracce di "Ummagumma")
di "Faithful Walking Stick". Quindi viene l'elettronica,
con pure risonanze di frequenze bassissime ("Uproar Among The
Gods" e l'ancor meno musicale "Circling Menace").
Intriso di silenzio oscuro. Già batterista free di Strongly
Imploded e Architeuthis Rex, Gregoretti - più intransigente
del compare Andrea Belfi - non fa il solito album ambient-elettroacustico,
almeno per scavo e contemplazione. Strumento aggiunto: corde di
chitarra acustica montate su di un timpano. Produce una garanzia,
Mimmo "SEC_" Napolitano 6,5/10 (Michele Saran)