Jérôme Noetinger & SEC_

Testacoda (LP, 2012)


Released by Bocian Records with the contribution of Toxo Records




Jérôme Noetinger: Revox tape recorder, radio, microphones 

SEC_: Revox tape recorder, no-input feedback. laptop

Jérôme Noetinger is an improviser and composer of electroacoustic music based in Rives (near Grenoble), France.  He plays Revox, tapes and radio. SEC_ is the moniker of Mimmo Napolitano, an electronic musician and sound engineer from Naples, Italy. He plays Revox, no-input feedback, laptop, electronic devices.  Together these two play the kind of improvised electronic mayhem that put Europe on the map. 
Testcoda features two separate recordings of shapeshifting electronics. One side recorded at Oblomova, Napoli (Italy) on 12.04 2011 , the other at Le102, Grenoble (France) on 07.12.2011.  All recordings were then edited and mixed by SEC_ and mastered by Giuseppe Ielasi.

Surfing the entire sonic palette, these two titans of the mid-electronic age have the kind of rapport that comes with the best improvised music.  Overlapping gestures and inter-twining sonic debris results in the kind of playful extremity that is impossible to ignore.  No gear worship here,  just the glory of free electronic sound, 21st Century style.  A staggering display of reconstructed utopia.

(-) Mark Harwood


Side A [listen excerpt]

Side B [listen excerpt]