PRESS Strongly
Imploded reviews

IMPLODED - FREEFALL (Gruenrekorder, 2010)
is a four-piece from Italy specializing in improvised noise and free jazz.
They use guitar, reeds and drums along with synth and electronic
manipulations gives the eight tracks on “Strongly Imploded” a bite and
occasional groove often missing from such outings.
With a slow buildup to a jazzy noise mash, using each in ways at once
familiar and odd, “Inconspicuous insects and bawdy secrets” opens the set
with a flourish. On “An improvised freefalling deconstruction over time,”
there is furtive noise throughout, jerking to a halt unexpectedly, careening
squealing guitar feedback, sarcastically lazy western harmonica riff in the
background. “Plowing through the forest” features a disturbing, digestive
groove, the sound of a saxophone choking on its own reed, or eating itself
Songs like “Hesitant ham” or “Triumphant march without tattoo or direction”
are more generic free jazz freakout: blaring and distorted horns that sound
almost conservative in their keeping to recognizable Free tropes. The
closer, though, “Illusionary antics with spiraling cyborgs,” is brilliant, a
frantic tribal noise intro, that slowly dissolves into a sustained low hum,
and an industrial fadeout to a piece that began like ritual music for
Shamefully limited to only 50 copies and coming in a bulky tin cigarette
case, “Strongly Imploded” will probably be more read about than heard. But
Freefall deserves to be heard. Their chaos is fun and ferocious, and even
with the occasional clunkers, they make daring and roaring music that is
quite out and adventurous.
8/10 -- Mike Wood (4 August, 2010)
Although the label Gruenrekorder is mostly known for their releases dealing
with field recordings, here they also present another side of the coin.
Strongly Imploded is a four piece improvisation group from Italy and has
members from One Starving Day, Weltraum and A Spirale: F. Gregoretti (drums),
M. Gabola (reeds), M. Argenziano (guitar) and SEC_ (synth and electronics).
With their background in improvised music from a louder edge, its no
surprise to know that also Strongly Imploded sees a similar combination of
noise, improvised music and free jazz. They have seven tracks here, no doubt
the result of a direct to tape playing, but perhaps with some edits. The
reeds of Gabola add a sort of strange jazz feel to some of the pieces, while
the others seem more interested in playing a loud as possible, banging away
on their instruments. Its music that leaves the listener quite tired after
forty one minutes, and although I thought this was on of the better releases
I heard from this particular circle of collaborators, I also think this is
definitely the kind of music that is best enjoyed when heard live. (FdW)

BLOW UP # 152
IMPLODED - FREEFALL (CD Gruenrekorder - 8t - 41:14)
Del tutto
diverso è invece l'ambito in cui opera il quartetto campano Strongly
Imploded, votato ad un'improvvisazione elettroacustica aggressiva e veemente
che è parente stretta dei vari progetti paralleli di alcuni membri del
gruppo (A Spirale, Aspec(t), etc...). Il loro album si intitola in modo
appropriato "Freefall" perchè tutto in esso sembra essere in caduta libera,
dai fiati che assumono un tono metallico e impersonale all'elettronica free
form, dalla batteria che rincorre gli spasmi del suono alla chitarra che
precipita in un gorgo di distorsioni. Ricordano i Supersilent dei primi due
album per la capacità di comprimere il suono sino alle sue estreme
possibilità, e grazie ad un estremo controllo sugli strumenti riescono a dar
vita ad una serie di brani tutti egualmente caratterizzati da un'energia
implosiva carica di tensione. (7/8)
Massimiliano Busti
A release from the Ikuisuus-label (Finland). Strongly Imploded is a group of
four people who don't reveal their real names. They play reeds, guitar,
drums, glockenspiel, electronics, synth and bells. They come from different
musical backgrounds and decided to start Strongly Imploded as an laboratory
for new musical experiments. And experiment is what they do. They recorded
this CDR in 2008 in Napoli, Italy, so I suppose it is an italian combo. In
their radical improvisations they mix sources of acoustic and electronic
origin. In the quiet and open passages their music fails to attract
attention. However in the extravert and loud parts of the improvisations
they do. There are some very enjoyable cacaphonic and furious minutes to
enjoy here. Also they know how to built up a piece of improvised music. They
are relatively new in this business if you ask me, but eager to learn more,
as can be deduced from their dedicated playing.