22.03.2025 - JEAN-PHILIPPE GROSS, DARIO SANFILIPPO & SEC_, OLIVIER DI PLACIDO @ AKHET I will play in duo with Dario Sanfilippo at the 16th Akhet event at Auditorium Novecento, Naples
11.10.2024 - CONTESTED WATERS, S.a.L.E. DOCKS, VENICE I will participate to Contested Waters, an art project connecting aquatic aesthetics from Taiwan, Italy and Finalnd. Venice Workshop: Aquatic Futurism takes place 11-12 October 2024 at S.a.L.E. Docks. 11th October: collaboration with Tita Salina & Irwan Ahmett; 12th October: solo live set.
31.05.2024 - WOLF EYES, RADFORD ELECTRONICS, ASPEC(T) @ AKHET Aspec(t) will play with Wolf Eyes and Radford Electronics at Auditorium 900, Naples, in the framework of Aketh Primavera 002
21.06.2023 - TUTTO A POSTO NIENTE IN ORDINE - ITALIAN REEL-TO-REEL COMPILATION "Tutto a posto niente in ordine" is a LP dedicated to italian tape music artists, released by Nashazphone.
21.02.2023 - NEW RELEASE CADAVER MIKE & SEC_ 7" SPLIT + PRESENTATION IN BERLIN "Are you a boy or a girl?" is the new 7" split by Cadaver Mike & SEC_, released by Toxo Records. We will present the release in Berlin with two gigs: 22 Feburary @ Arkaoda - 23 February @ Trickster.
31.01.2023 - ALGORITHMIC POLITICS OF LISTENING My podcast "Algorithmic Politics of Listening" was streamed by Radio AlHara, in the framework of CTM festival Berlin. Listen to the podcast here:
14.01.2023 - ÉCHANGE MAGNETIQUE Échange Magnetique is a project of tape exchange via post, initiated by Jérôme Noetinger, with nine participants: Angelica Castello, Anthony Laguerre, Jérôme Noetinger, Anne-Julie Rollet, SEC_, Colin Petit, Firdaouss El Fahiri, Marta Zapparoli, Lionel Marchetti.
25.11.2022 - SEC_ & TRICATIEMPO AT TELLURICA FESTIVAL SEC_ & Tricatiempo live at Tellurica festival, Cripta del Duomo, Avellino
18.06.2022 - LIVE AT KALAKUTA FESTIVAL Live at Kalakuta Festival "Santa Feira" - Vesuvio Ecocamping, San Giuseppe Vesuviano (NA)
12.05.2022 - COMPILATION "TEDIUM" RELEASED BY A FLOODED NEED My track Love has been included in the compilation "Tedium" released by neapolitan label A Flooded Need. Listen on bandcamp:
29.04.2022 - BOOK PRESENTATION + SOLO @ ATTASSHH..., NAPOLI I will present my first monographic book La voce artificiale. Un'indagine media-archeologica sul computer parlante in the framework of Attasshh..., at Domus Ars, Via Santa Chiara 10C, Napoli - h19.30. The presentation goes with my live solo set and with the solo set by artificial voice's master Tomomi Adachi. Info at:
14.10.2020 - AUDIOSPHERE EXHIBITION @ MUSEO REINA SOFIA, MADRID My track Return has been selected to be part of the exhibition Audiosphere. Sound Experimentation 1980-2020 at Museo Reina Sofia in Madrid, from 14 October 2020 to 15 February 2021. Info at:
8.04.2020 - SEC_ & TRICATIEMPO NEW RELEASE SEC_ & Tricatiempo - La Tana - new digital release by Subincision Records in free streaming and digital download
13.03.2020 - SOUND 48H SILENCE IN FRANKFURT - POSTPONED d.o.o.r - sound 48H silence / 13-15 March 2020 - Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt am Main with Patrick Higgins (US), Thomas Lehn (DE), Okkyung Lee (US), Tiziana Bertoncini (IT), SEC_ (IT), Lê Quan Ninh (FR), Kaffe Matthews (GB), Sylvia Hallett (GB), Philip Zoubek (DE), Billy Roisz (AT), Oona Kastner (DE), Dirk Raulf (DE)
31.05.2019 - INTERVIEW & PODCAST BY JOE SANNICANDRO Joe Sannicandro interviewed me for his Sound Propositions podcast series on A Closer Listen. Talk about sound, music and organization:
11.11.2018 - NEW TRACK NEW VIDEO My track Orogenesi, from 2016, is finally online with a great video by 70fps
20.10.2018 - RITORNA (TRICOLI, SEC_, NOCERA, KNN) @ LUFF The Revox quartet "Ritorna", starring Valerio Tricoli, SEC_, Giulio Nocera and KNN, will play at LUFF, Lausanne, October 20th
06.10.2018 - SEC_ & ELIO MARTUSCIELLO @ WE ARE IN DANGER, CAGLIARI SEC_ & Elio Martusciello in duo for the 11th We Are In Danger at Teatro Massimo, Cagliari. In the afternoon a talk about the influences between experimental and pop music
12.05.2018 - JÉRÔME NOETINGER & SEC_ NEW ALBUM "LA CAVE DES ÉTENDARDS" OUT NOW! Jérôme Noetinger & SEC_ - La Cave Des Étendards (CD, Mikroton Recordings, 2018)
11.05.2018 - SEC_ IN MOSCOW SEC_ & Elio Martusciello live @ DOM, Moscow in the framework of Dmitry Vasilyev's book VIVA ITALIA presentation
01.07.2017 - MY FIRST SOLO LP RELEASED BY SECOND SLEEP SEC_ - W.H.E.A.D. (LP, Second Sleep 2017)
31.05.2017 - FRANCESCO GREGORETTI & SEC_ ON TOUR 31.05 @ Flattershaft, Basel CH 01.06 @ Atelier STRØM, Biel/Bienne CH 02.06 @ Pornodiesel, Lausanne CH 03.06 @ Machine a vapeur, Nancy FR 04.06 @ De Vlovanzenma, Leuven BE 05.06 @ Helicopter, Den Haag NL 06.06 @ City Art Rotterdam, NL 07.06 @ Cafe Central, Bruxelles BE 08.06 @ INM, Frankfurt DE 09.06 @ Container / Wunderkammer, Zurich CH
01.05.2017 - MY TRACK ON SOUND CANVAS 2 BY MIKROTON RECORDINGS My track has been included in the digital compilation "Sound Canvas 2 - compilation of sound art, minimal and experimental music", released by Mikroton Recordings. To listen and download check this link.
01.04.2017 - SEC_ INCLUDED IN DMITRY VASLYEV'S "VIVA ITALIA" BOOK + CD SEC_ has been included in Dmitry Vasilyev's book "Viva Italia", italian experimental music from 1955 to 2015. The book goes with a 4 CD's box set featuring unreleased tracks of italian artists, including a track of mine.
11.03.2017 - ASPEC(T) @ SONIC PROTEST 11.03.2017 - Sonic Protest festival @ Instants Chavirés, Paris FR 12.03.2017 - Sonic Protest festival @ Espace Multimedia Gantner, Bourogne FR
03.12.2016 - ASPEC(T) USA TOUR 04.12.2016 - Jane Doe Jr, Greenfield, MA 06.12.2016 - WSCA, Boston, MA 07.12.2016 - New Paltz, NY 08.12.2016 - Red Room, Baltimore, MD 09.12.2016 - Rhizome, Washington, DC 10.12.2016 - The Vat, Philadelphia, PA 11.12.2016 - Machines With Magnets, Providence, RI 14.12.2016 - Experimental Intermedia, New York NY
27.11.2016 - LA DIGESTION: VALERIO TRICOLI, SEC_, GIULIO NOCERA, KNN Second appointment with festival La Digestion at Museum Hermann Nitsch in Napoli. Quartet with Valerio Tricoli, SEC_, Giulio Nocera, KNN
18.11.2016 - AQUA MATRIX - RELEASE BY DRAGON'S EYE RECORDINGS The compilation Aqua Matrix, collecting tracks by Enrico Coniglio, Gamino, Attilio Novellino, Fabio Perletta and SEC_ realized during the residency project in Irpinia, is released in digital format by Dragon's Eye Recordings. 03.11.2016 - SEC_ & OLIVIER DI PLACIDO ON TOUR 03.11.2016 @ Dal Verme, Roma IT 04.11.2016 @ Angelica Centro di Ricerca Musicale, Teatro San Leonardo, Bologna IT
10.10.2016 - SEC_ & DARIO SANFILIPPO ON TOUR 10.10.2016 - SEC_ & Dario Sanfilippo @ Cafe Oto, London UK 12.10.2016 - SEC_ & Dario Sanfilippo @ house concert, Brighton UK 13.10.2016 - SEC_ & Dario Sanfilippo @ Old English Pub, Bristol UK 16.10.2016 - Yoni Silver, SEC_, Sanfilippo, Les Enerves @ IKLECTIK, London UK 17.10.2016 - SEC_ & Dario Sanfilippo @ La Malterie, Lille FR 18.10.2016 - SEC_ @ HS63, Bruxelles BE
11.09.2016 - RESIDENCY AT EMS - STOCKHOLM Ten days residency at EMS ElektronMusikStudion in Stockholm, 11-21 September
01.06.2016 - NEW ALBUM MEFITE OUT NOW! SEC_ - Mefite, CD released by Toxo Records, distributed by Metamkine
25.05.2016 - ASPEC(T) @ MUSRARA MIX FESTIVAL Aspec(t) live at Musrara Mix festival in Jerusalem
20.05.2016 - SEC_ VIDEOINTERVIEW Videointerview for, made before the concert at TRK series, Tempo Reale, Firenze
05.05.2016 - SEC_ @ TEMPO REALE Solo concert at the research and production center Tempo Reale in Firenze, in the framework of TRK Sound Club series
16.04.2016 - LIVE
30.03.2016 - NEW PODCAST New podcast for neapolitan label Best Company. Listen here:
09.03.2016 - MICHEL DONEDA & SEC_ Michel Doneda & SEC_ @ 76A, Via Ventaglieri, Napoli
19.02.2016 - SEC_ @ CABLE #9 I'm very excited of taking part to Cable festival #9 in Nantes with a great line up! Even more excited because the 18th I play at Instants Chavirés in Paris.
11.12.2015 - SEC_ @ ROMA LA DRONA 11th December SEC_ solo at Roma La Drona, the festival dedicated to noise and experimentation of DalVerme club in Rome. Also playing Dennis Tyfus "Vom Grill", Antez, Matar Dolores, Mercury Hall, Luxa, Cassandra, Tanuki, Schnellste Auto Der Karabinieri, Lamanna, Negative Self. More info:
11.10.2015 - JÉRÔME NOETINGER & SEC_ ON TOUR 11.10.2015 - Jerome Noetinger & SEC_ @ Cave12, Geneve CH 13.10.2015 - SEC_ solo @ Flatterschafft, Basel CH 15.10.2015 - Jerome Noetinger & SEC_ @ Standards, Milano IT 16.10.2105 - Jerome Noetinger & SEC_ @ Machito, Torino IT 17.10.2015 - Jerome Noetinger & SEC_ @ Gaffer fest, Lyon FR
29.08.2015 - ASPEC(T) ZALASKI NEW RELEASE AND PRESENTATION AT FLUSSI FESTIVAL ASPEC(T) ZALASKI is the new project of the duo Aspec(t) and the polish drummer Andrzej Zaleski. Their first CD "Droga" has been released by Monotype Records and presented with a live performance at Flussi festival in Avellino the 29th of August.
21.07.2015 - SEC_ NEW CASSETTE "STALATTITE" IS OUT NOW! After a long silence of solo releases, I'm very happy to announce this new cassette released by Archivio Diafònico.
13.06.2015 - SEC_ @ INSTANTS SONORES FESTIVAL Instants Sonores festival - 13 June - Lanuèjols, France - with Tomoko Sauvage, Axel Dorner, SEC_, Hild Sofie Trajford, Erick Abecassis
23.05.2015 - ASPEC(T)'S LIVE REVIEWED ON GONZO CIRCUS Emitter Micro festival, that took place 7th, 8th and 9th of May in Berlin, has been reviewed by Scott Sinclair on web magazine Gonzo Circus. You'll find some very nice words about Aspec(t)'s concert. Read here: or in the Press section of this website.
15.05.2015 - FILE FESTIVAL & MANYFEETUNDER SHOWCASE 17.05.2015 - SEC_ & 70fps @ File festival, Accademia di Belle Arti, Napoli IT 22.05.2015 - SEC_, Gianluca Favaron, Antonio Raia @ L'Asilo, Napoli IT 23.05.2015 - SEC_, Gianluca Favaron, Antonio Raia @ Y Not, Avellino IT
17.04.2015 - APRIL/MAY TOUR 18.04.2015 - SEC_ solo @ Second Sleep, Vittorio Veneto IT 21.04.2015 - SEC_ & Dario Sanfilippo @ Velak Gala, Vienna AT 22.04.2015 - SEC_ & Dario Sanfilippo @ Baryton, Prague CZ 23.04.2015 - SEC_ & Dario Sanfilippo @ Divadlo29, Pardubice CZ 24.04.2015 - SEC_ & Dario Sanfilippo @ West Germany, Berlin DE 26.04.2015 - SEC_ & Dario Sanfilippo @ Radio Gagarin, Hamburg DE 27.04.2015 - SEC_ & Dario Sanfilippo @ Corvo Records, Berlin DE 05.05.2015 - SEC_, Scott Sinclair, Mario Gabola @ Loopsider V, Loophole, Berlin DE 06.05.2015 - SEC_, Mario Gabola & others @ Altes Finanzamt, Berlin DE 07.05.2015 - Aspec(t) @ Emitter micro festival, Taborkirche Kreutzberg, Berlin DE 10.05.2015 - Aspec(t) ft 70fps @ Brigadisco, Itri IT
08.03.2015 - DARIO SANFILIPPO & SEC_ - FAME D'ARIA CD - OUT NOW!!! "Fame D'Aria", the first CD of Dario Sanfilippo & SEC_, is finally out on CD! Check it here or at the Tsuku Boshi's website
05.03.2015 - SEC_ @ ARTE&LINGUAGGI - FONDAZIONE PREMIO NAPOLI Fondazione Premio Napoli e Racna Magazine invitano Carmen Gallo, SEC_, Pier Paolo Patti, Licia Pizzi, Anna Maria Saviano, Giovanni Scotti a discutere sul tema "Tempo. Quale per la contemporaneità?". Giovedì 5 Marzo ore 17.00 presso Fondazione Premio Napoli, Palazzo Reale, Napoli
06.01.2015 - SEC_ & OLIVIER DI PLACIDO IN GREECE 07.01.2015 @ Les Yper Yper, Thessaloniki GR 10.01.2015 @ Vinyl Microstore, Athens GR
29.12.2014 - ASPEC(T) ft 70FPS @ HANDMAD(e)S FESTIVAL, ROMA From 26th to 30th December - HANDMAD(e)S festival @ Casa Della Cultura Villa Desanctis, Roma Featuring Peter Brotzmann & Steve Noble, Valerio Tricoli, Roly Porter, Aspec(t) ft 70fps, Franz Rosati, Simone Pappalardo, Teatrino Elettrico
28.11.2014 - ASPEC(T) ON TOUR 28.11.2014 @ Cafe Des Arts, Torino IT 30.11.2014 @ Akouphene festival, Cave12, Geneve CH 01.12.2014 @ Lausanne CH 02.12.2014 @ Walcheturm, Zurich CH - collaboration with Andy Guhl 03.12.2014 @ Coq d'or, Olten CH - collaboration with Dave Phillips 05.12.2014 @ Libreria Shake, Milano IT
21.11.2014 - OLIVIER DI PLACIDO & SEC_ @ DA DOVE STO CHIAMANDO festival, Cagliari
15.11.2014 - DARIO SANFILIPPO & SEC_ "FAME D'ARIA" new CD "Fame d'aria" is the first album of the duo Dario Sanfilippo & SEC_. It will be released soon in CD by the french label Tsuku Boshi. A preview here:
14.11.2014 - SEC_ & JEALOUSY PARTY @ CSW WARSAW I will play my new piece "No one left on the battlefield", with live interventions by Mat Pogo. After, Jealousy Party live. 14th November at the CSW of Warsaw in the framework of the project "Voice".
07.11.2014 - SEC_ @ POESIA CARNOSA Tom White, Silvia Kastel, Daniel Spicer, Ezio Piermattei, Ilir Lluka, Esse Zeta Atona, SEC_ 07.11.2014 - 30 Formiche, Roma
27.09.2014 - ASPEC(T) feat 70fps ITALIAN TOUR! 27.09.2014 @ 4/Quarti, Bologna 28.09.2014 @ Resistenza Analogica festival, Ora 29.09.2014 @ CPA, Firenze 30.09.2014 @ MuraDiSuono, Roma 01.10.2014 @ Circolo Hemingway, Latina
LIVE! Musiche di Sconfine 2014 : SEC_ & Olivier di Placido from DobiaLab on Vimeo.
21.06.2014 - SEC_, DARIO SANFILIPPO & JEAN PHILIPPE GROSS @ SUONAFRANCESE - NAPOLI Five concerts based on the meeting between neapolitan and french musicians and improvisers, in search of an other musicality.
70fps by Andrea Saggiomo meets Riojim
04.06.2014 - SEC_ & OLIVIER DI PLACIDO - NEW CASSETTE AND TOUR! Mare Duro is the new cassette by Olivier Di Placido & SEC_, released by in occasion of their small tour: 08.06.2014 @ Cafè Vlese, Prague CZ 10.06.2014 @ Velak, Wien AT 11.06.2014 @ Fuga, Bratislava SK 13.06.2014 @ Dobialab, Staranzano IT
01.06.2014 - DAVE PHILLIPS & ASPEC(T) - "MEDUSA" CD OUT NOW! Medusa is the collaboration album between Aspec(t) and Dave Phillips. Released by the greek label Excrete Music, for
15.05.2014 - MEFITE "Mefite" is a new performance by SEC_, M.DellaMorte and Ventriloque Radio. Premiere on May 15th @ U-Turn / Piano B - Via Pallonetto S. Chiara - Napoli (IT)
03.02.2014 - NEW REVIEWS! Outflow CD and Testacoda LP have been reviewed on the french webzine improv-sphere, by Julien Héraud. Still by Julien Héraud is the review of Rainbow Grotesque LP on webzine Read on improv-sphere and on dmute or in the Press section of this site.
15.01.2014 - NEW VIDEO
SEC_ - Return (from OUTFLOW CD, dEN/Hcb 2013) from SEC_ on Vimeo.
10.01.2014 - ASPEC(T) @ ALL EARS FESTIVAL - OSLO Aspec(t) will play at All Ears festival in Oslo (Norway) on January 10th 2014. More info and complete program:
08.01.2014 - DAVE PHILLIPS & ASPEC(T) "MEDUSA" COLLABORATION CD - OUT SOON! Medusa, the collaboration album between Aspec(t) and Dave Phillips will be released at the end of January by the greek label Excrete Music, for
03.12.2013 - NEW INTERVIEW + REVIEW TO OLIVIER DI PLACIDO & SEC_ New interview and review to Olivier Di Placido & SEC_ and their album Rainbow Grotesque. Realized by Vincent Lenglet on the french webzine Guts Of Darkness [français]
16.11.2013 - SEC_ & DARIO SANFILIPPO IN BRUXELLES 16.11.2013 - SEC_ & Dario Sanfilippo @ Les Ateliers Claus, Bruxelles BE 17.11.2013 - SEC_ & Dario Sanfilippo @ HS63 hosted by Greylight projects, Bruxelles BE
08.10.2013 - SEC_ - OUTFLOW (CD, DEN/HCB) OUT NOW! My new album OUTFLOW is finally out! Released in CD with special packaging by dEN Records and HCB Records. More info and audio excerpts here or in the Audio section.
03.10.2013 - OLIVIER DI PLACIDO & SEC_ ON TOUR 03.10.2013 - SEC_ & Olivier Di Placido @ Chez Damien, Maresille FR 06.10.2013 - SEC_ & Olivier Di Placido @ Cave12, Geneve CH (w/ Black Pus, NMO) 08.10.2013 - SEC_ & Olivier Di Placido @ Oslo10, Basel CH (w/ NMO, Evol) 09.10.2013 - SEC_ & Olivier Di Placido @ Klubi, Zurich CH (w/ NMO) 10.10.2013 - SEC_ & Olivier Di Placido @ Gaffer Fest - Periscope, Lyon FR (w/ Dead Neanderthals&Colin Webster, KNYST!, N.Millevoi) 11.10.2013 - SEC_ & Olivier Di Placido @ Non-Jazz - Instants Chavirés, Paris FR 12.10.2013 - SEC_ & Olivier Di Placido @ L.M.R., Mulhouse, FR (w/ Micro_Penis) 13.10.2013 - SEC_ & Olivier Di Placido @ Hall Des Chars, Strasbourg, FR (w/ NMO) 15.10.2013 - SEC_ & Olivier Di Placido @ Les Trinitaires, Metz FR (w/ KK Null&The Noiser, Richard Francis)
21.09.2013 - WEIRD BARN DANCE
For the second edition! NO CARE
about money-no care about care-play and dance ’til you’re dead…
14.09.2013 - SEC_ @ L'AUDIBLE FESTIVAL - PARIS I will take part to L'Audible festival with my new piece Why hasn't everything already disappeared?, original composition for 8 speakers surround commissioned by the festival, the 14th September 2013 at L'Echangeur, Bagnolet (close to Paris). Audible festival takes place from 12th to 15th September 2013 at Les Instants Chavirés, L'Echangeur and Lull. Full program at:
12.08.2013 - GERT-JAN PRINS + SEC_ @ FLUSSI FESTIVAL 2013 Flussi 2013 is a media art festival at its 5th edition which takes place in Avellino, Italy from 28th August to 1st September. I will have the pleasure there to collaborate with Gert-Jan Prins on 29th August. Other performances of the festival: Ryoichi Kurokawa, Tempest (Franck Vigroux & Antoine Schmitt), Andy Guhl, Novi_Sad, Zavoloka, Jean-Philippe Gross, Robert Lippok, Phonotopy, Luca Sigurtà, Alberto Boccardi, Dadub, Shapednoise, Matter, Von Tesla, MudWise, Julie Rousse & Jean-Sébastien Truchy and many others.
12.07.2013 - ASPEC(T) meets ROBBIE AVENAIM Three concerts of Aspec(t) with the australian drummer Robbie Avenaim. 12.07.2013 - Aspec(t) + Robbie Avenaim + Maurizio Argenziano @ Ferro 3, Scafati IT 13.07.2013 - Aspec(t) + Robbie Avenaim @ Festival della Puzzolana, Jesi IT 19.07.2013 - Aspec(t) + Robbie Avenaim + Maurizio Argenziano @ TPA, Napoli IT A review here (italian):
15.06.2013 - WINNER OF THE PIARS PRIZE My piece "Outflow" has received the honorary mention in the acousmatic section of the contest PIARS (Premio Internazionale Arti Sonore)
10.06.2013 - NEW REVIEWS! New Reviews of Rainbow Grotesque LP and Rara Avis CD. Go to the Press section.
05.04.2013 - RARA AVIS (VANDERMARK, FERRIAN, PISSAVINI, QUATRANA, SEC_) - CD & TOUR! Rara Avis is a new project involving Ken Vandermark, Stefano Ferrian, Luca Pissavini, Simone Quatrana and SEC_. Their first album "Mutations / Multicellulars mutations" is released in double CD by dEN Records. They will be on tour in Europe from April 26th to May 8th. Details here:
18.03.2013 - OLIVIER DI PLACIDO & SEC_ - RAINBOW GROTESQUE LP OUT NOW! The first LP of the duo Olivier Di Placido & SEC_ "Rainbow Grotesque" is out now on Bocian Records
03.03.2013 - ALTERA! 2013 VI edition of Altera! - March-April 2013 in Napoli and close cities This year: Andy Moor & John Butcher, Andrzej Zaleski, Aspec(t) ft 70fps, Birgit Ulher, Bernays Propaganda, Broken Light, Control Unit, Dario Sanfilippo, Davidone, GuN_SoLo, HSV, Iano U.Cello, Matz!, MOE, Monozid, Many Others (Di Placido & Gregoretti), Salvatore Carannante, Seppo Renvall, Sewer Election, Silvia Mai, SUNNA, The, The Observatory, Tiziana Salvati & Elisa Saggiomo, Torba, Ultimo Giro, ...
30.01.2013 - NEW TRACK FOR MANYFEETUNDER NETLABEL My new track "Errorvacuation" has been released by Manyfeetunder netlabel. Free listen and free mp3 download here:
09.01.2013 - NEW CASSETTE OUT NOW ON QUASI POP SEC_, Micromelancolié & Youniverse - S / PL / IT (C30, Quasi Pop Records)
21.12.2012 - SEC_ NEW CD "MOSCAIO" OUT NOW! My album Moscaio has been released in CD by Bocian Records. 08.11.2012 - NEW VIDEO ASPEC(T) FT 70FPS + ANDY GUHL Brand new video of Aspec(t) ft 70fps playing with Andy Guhl in Napoli. Click here or go to video section.
01.11.2012 - MY REMIX OF MICROMELANCOLIE Out now Micromelancolie's "Gravity Boat Editions" on Twice Removed, containing a remix done by me at track 9. Click here to listen.
25.10.2012 - GOODBYE OLIVIER! SEC_ & Olivier Di Placido - 24.10.2012 live @ 76A, Napoli (IT)
18.10.2012 - DONEDA & KOCHER + SEC_ Michel Doneda & Jonas Kocher + SEC_ solo - 18.10.2012 @ Oblomova, Napoli (IT)
27.09.2012 - PLAYLIST ON "A CLOSER LISTEN" - PART 2 The second part of my playlist for "A Closer Listen" webzine is online here.
08.09.2012 - WEIRD BARN DANCE Two days of music, video and camping in the countryside
24.07.2012 - INTERVIEW AND PLAYLIST ON "A CLOSER LISTEN" A short interview by Joe Sannicandro and the first part of a playlist I've done have been published on the webzine You can read and listen here or in the Press section. Thanks to Lost children net label.
15.06.2012 - JEROME NOETINGER & SEC_ - TESTACODA LP Jerome Noetinger & SEC_ - testacoda LP - out now on Bocian Records
17.05.2012 - ASPEC(T) in GREECE 18.05.2012 - Biotehnia, Thessaloniki, Greece - Aspec(t) 19.05.2012 - Knut Gallery, Athens, Greece - Aspec(t)
10.04.2012 - ASPEC(T) ft 70FPS on TOUR! 15.04.2012 - AAVE Festival - Helsinki, Finland 16.04.2012 - Ptarmigan - Tallin, Estonia 17.04.2012 - Chomsky bar - Riga, Latvia 18.04.2012 - XI20 - Vilnius, Lithuania 20.04.2012 - CSW - Warsaw, Poland
31.03.2012 - MIKA VAINIO, SEC_, RETINA.IT @ OFFICINA 99 - 31st March Saturday 31 March 2012 I'm going to play with Mika Vainio and at Officina 99, Napoli.
17.03.2012 - ANDY GUHL + ASPEC(T) ft 70FPS Altera! 2012 presents: Andy Guhl + Aspec(t) ft 70fps - Saturday 17th March @ Marte, Cava de' Tirreni (SA), Italy
24.02.2012 - ALTERA! 2012 Altera! 2012, the fifth edition of our indipendent festival, is on its way! This year: Andy Guhl, Aspec(t) ft 70fps, AutOut, Cardio, Concern, Cris X, David-One, A. Di Scipio, F. Fuzz Brasini & L. Maggiore, Grizzly Imploded, Gunzard, HamaYoko, Hanoi, Matar Dolores, Neid, S. Pappalardo & D. Sanfilippo, S. Naddei & G. Izzo, Painburn, D. Sanfilippo & A. Arcella, Sarzakein, Tensione, The Rita, Trouble vs Glue, Vomir, Weltraum From 7th March to 5th May in Napoli, Cava de' Tirreni, Nocera, Saviano.
20.12.2011 - ABATTOIR REVIEWED First reviews of Aspec(t) new CD Abattoir. See Press.
28.11.2011 - ASPEC(T) ON TOUR I'm going to play 9 concerts with Aspec(t) in Switzerland and France. 30.11.2011 @ Cave 12 - Geneve, Switzerland - Aspec(t) on tour (with Cut Hands [Whitehouse]) 01.12.2011 @ Local - Vevey, Switzerland - Aspec(t) on tour 03.12.2011 @ Akouphene festival - Geneve, Switzerland - collaboration with Insub Meta Orchestra + Nicolas Collins 04.12.2011 @ UFO'S - Lausanne, Switzerland - Aspec(t) (collaboration with Dragos Tara and Abstral Compost) 05.12.2011 @ Ecoute la merde - Bourg-en-bresse, France - Aspec(t) on tour 06.12.2011 @ Le 102 Archipel Urbain - Grenoble, France - Aspec(t) on tour (with Benoit Moreau) 08.12.2011 @ Blockhaus DY.10 - Cable#30 - Nantes, France - Aspec(t) on tour 10.12.2011 @ L'Atelier De L'Etoile - Besançon, France - Aspec(t) (with Ivan Etienne and Sebastien Lemporte) 15.12.2011 @ Trashvortex, Paris, France - Aspec(t) (with Sophie Agnel and Arnaud Riviere)
25.11.2011 - ASPEC(T) - ABATTOIR - OUT NOW! Aspec(t) new CD Abattoir is finally out! Released by the french label NUUN RECORDS
25.10.2011 - SEC_ + GERRITT WITTMER 25.10.2011 - SEC_ + Gerritt Wittmer live @ Perditempo, Napoli, Italy
18.08.2011 - SUMMER FESTIVALS 25.08.2011 - duo with Valerio Tricoli at Flussi Festival in Avellino, Italy 27.08.2011 - solo at Support Festival in Poggio San Marcello, Ancona, Italy 04.09.2011 - solo at Giardini Elettronici in San Michele di Serino, Avellino, Italy ![]() ![]()
20.07.2011 - CONCERTS IN BERLIN I'm going to play several concerts in Berlin next August 04.08.2011 @ Altes Finanzamt, Berlin - BURP Rendez-vous: collaboration with Mat Pogo, JD Zazie, WJMeatball 05.08.2011 @ Zangi Music Summer Special, Tentstation Moabit, Berlin - SEC_ solo 08.08.2011 @ FrIKK Festival, Theater Buendnis, Berlin - The Obscene Bird Of The Night 15.08.2011 @ Madame Claude, Berlin, Germany - collaboration with Olivier Di Placido
________________________ 16.07.2011 - NEW RELEASE with JEROME NOETINGER The duo Jerome Noetinger & SEC_ will be co-released by Bocian Records and Toxo Records
__________________________ 10.07.2011 - NEW COMPOSITION "Music for a becoming-insect" for KUNSTRADIO My first solo composition "Music for a becoming-insect" will be broadcasted next September by Austrian radio KUNSTRADIO
________________________ 01.07.2011 - ASPEC(T) NEW RELEASE ON NUUN RECORDS ASPEC(T) new record "Abattoir" will be released in November by French label NUUN Records
________________________ 12.04.2011 - JEROME NOETINGER & SEC_ ON TOUR I will be on tour in Italy with Jerome Noetinger: 12.04.2011 - Oblomova, Napoli - Altera! Festival 13.04.2011 - Fanfulla 101, Roma 14.04.2011 - Sant'Andrea degli Amplificatori, Bologna 15.04.2011 - Spazio Targa, Genova
_______________________ 06.04.2011 - ASPEC(T) + DAVE PHILLIPS COLLABORATION Aspec(t) (my duo with Mario Gabola) is going to play with Dave Phillips in Napoli
________________________ 17.03.2011 - ALTERA! FESTIVAL 2011 Fourth edition of Altera! Festival -
_______________________ 16.03.2011 - THE OBSCENE BIRD OF THE NIGHT in London I'm going to perform in London with M. Della Morte on 17 March @ The Others
___________________________ 01.03.2011 - NEW REVIEWS OF ASPEC(T) New reviews of Aspec(t) LP Waspnest. See the Press section ___________________________ 18.02.2011 - ALTERA! PREVIEW with TERMINAL HZ + ASPEC(T)
____________________________ 19.01.2011 - ASPEC(T) + OLIVIER DI PLACIDO Collaboration ____________________________ 01.12.2010 - ASPEC(T) ON TOUR - Belgium, Switzerland, Italy
____________________________ 03.11.2010 - ASPEC(T) IN BERLIN 04.11.2010 - quietCue 05.11.2010 - Raum20 06.11.2010 - -able, Taktattak #1 - collaboration with Olivier Di Placido
____________________________ 01.11.2010 - WELTRAUM @ MUSICHE POSSIBILI, Ivrea, Italy
___________________________ 30.10.2011 - NEW RELEASE - ASPEC(T) WASPNEST LP Aspec(t) new release Waspnest LP out now on Toxo Records, Viande and Fratto9
____________________________ 07.10.2010 - ASPEC(T) + BASSHATERS live _________________________ 01.10.2010 - L'OSCENO UCCELLO DELLA NOTTE ________________________ 15.03.2010 - ALTERA! FESTIVAL 2010 _________________________ 01.02.2010 - PESTIVAL FEBRUARY __________________________ 01.12.2009 - ASp/SEC_ + VALERIO TRICOLI Collaboration 18.12.2009 - PAN, Napoli - #radioaktivitat# audioincursioni - ASp/SEC_, V. Tricoli, (etre) 19.12.2009 - Oblomova, Napoli ________________________ 01.11.2009 - PESTIVAL NOVEMBER ________________________ 01.10.2009 - PESTIVAL OCTOBER